October 03, 2010

Mansfield Hometown Idol Competition 2010

Well - here is my competition song - "Love Me Like A Man" by Bonnie Raitt. I was up against Heather, who sang - "You Light Up My Life," and Cliff, who sang a song I wasn't familiar with....... and I won!!

Half of me KNEW I could win...... because I wanted to SO badly AND because I believed in me SO much.
And the OTHER half of me - was TOTALLY shocked that I did win.
It's just that I haven't sang for like 20 years!!
AND when I tried out for the competition - it felt like I was SINGING for the first time in FOREVER!!!

So when I say, ....... I can't BELIEVE I WON - believe me....... I REALLY can't believe that I won!!!!

Ok,....... so NONE of this makes sense to any of you.
But it doesn't matter. It makes sense to me.
And it matters to me.
All that really matters is that something deep inside me.... something that had died and gone to sleep YEARS ago..... has re-awakened.
That something that calls to me...... that makes me listen and open my eyes wide...... that same something that makes me feel young and free
and feels like....... the Lori I knew LONG ago..... has been re-born!
Here I come world - make way for ............ Lori!!
Just kidding.

And that is all that really matters.
All the people that have ever made me feel afraid, ..... intimidated, .......... insecure, .........
none of that matters now.

And even thought I was a complete psycho for 2 weeks while doing all this
(just ask my husband who has begged me never to do anything like this again...... because he had to LIVE with me while I was a frantic lunatic)
I can now hold my head up high and say....... I won.
I am the Mansfield Hometown Idol of 2010.
Just wait till I add that to my resume.

I am just so very proud of myself AND excited.
The fact that my girls are SO MUCH MORE EXCITED ABOUT IT THAN ME ....... makes it even better.

I will post the other 2 songs that I had to sing, along with the contestants that were up against me. This way you can see what my competition was.
I know you SO want to see it all.
So stay tuned for all that.

Tonight, we picked up our free Karaoke Machine from Best Buy. It was a portable one like a getto blaster.
It has DVD, CD, Karaoke, Am/Fm, capabilities on it. Hooks up a mike, and with a certain cord into your car - can play DVD's in the car to watch while driving. TOTALLY COOL.

I have a $50. gift card from Best Buy, and I also won $100.00 cash.
I got a trophy (which Haven has been carrying around the house like it's a 'get transported from earth and automatically be translated into the Celestrial Kingdom FREE Card ......."
It is so cute to watch Haven. She is so excited for me.

Speaking of Haven, ........
she actually has the opportunity to enter a little pageant.
It's a first time pageant where she would have to wear a nice dress (we luckily have a few from when Barbi the shopping Queen bought beautiful dresses for LONDON to wear on our cruise years ago ....) AND it has a talent portion of the pageant. (Perfect for Haven)
And IF she wins - she would get a tiara and a banner.

Haven is SO into this idea - so stay tuned.......
there MAY be more announcements to make in the near future.

1 comment:

Cathy Brooksby said...

Love it. Especially Haven hauling
around the trophy. Good Job.