August 16, 2010

Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!

Ok - so it's been almost 2 years since I've last blogged.
But I've been REALLY busy!!
It's not that I haven't thought of sitting down and catching up - I really have. But then,.... something always seems to happen.
Something gets spilled, kids are screaming at each other down the hall, my two 100 lb. Marley's (yellow labs) are either digging out under the fence, chewing up their 34th lawn hose, knocking over the aluminum cans (and creating aluminum can confetti all over my lawn), chasing wild turkeys around the property, escaping through our automatic fence and high-tailing it towards Oklahoma or maybe the "houdini" goats have gotten out and are eating the only plant that has managed to survive in this God-forsaken 100 degree heat - my roses!
Today is the 17th day in a row of 100 degree heat.
"Help! I'm melting....."
Seriously, .... I really am.

Whatever the reason - I have thought about it and I vow to begin blogging again. I have really felt guilty about leaving my "loyal readers" hanging on - wondering and waiting for my next chaotic adventure.
(Yeah right! .... "Hello? ..... Loyal readers?.... Anyone out there?" ....
- resounding echo -
.... anyone out there?... anyone out there? .... anyone out there?.....)
And after all, I should have documentation for when they commit me to the local institution, shouldn't I? It would be nice to be able to prove that I'm not really crazy - just kind of crazy because of everything I am forced to put up with, right?

But,..... you all will have to sit tight for just a bit more.
Because I recently read a blog where the woman was emphatic about having her "me" time.
Now THAT is what I'm talking about!
And although the thought of "me" time brings to mind......
..... bonbons, bubble baths, glasses of wine, possibly a chick flick (at the theatre away from everyone and not at home shushing the kids as they play around me), perhaps even the fantasy of having $5,000 to simply blow at a gambling table while Matthew McConaughey rambles on next to me - in his delectable southern drawl talking about "how lovely I am" and "can he buy me a drink?"
MY simple "me" time must for now, consist of tugging on tennis shoes and grudgingly stepping onto my treadmill.
Which, by the way - has also not seen or heard from me for about the same amount of time.
Sorry to admit that,..... but there it is.

The simply truth is - I have fallen into a lazy slump.
I promise I will try harder.

That's all.