September 22, 2010

The End of Innocence

Well,.... as innocence is dancing around like fairy dust in my sister Shari's house - innocence in MY house is gone.
(explanation: Shari blogged about how they bought the 3rd "Tinkerbell" movie and how her sweet, little Indiana (5 years old) loved it. But Indiana is all about fairies and princesses,.... magic and moonbeams,...... while at MY house...... well,..... things are very different.
At MY house - we look at life through REAL eyes.)

Shari's house,....... ballet lessons with pink tutus and ideas re: home schooling.
My house,..... TWO crazy, "Marley", 100 lb. yellow labs that rip and destroy anything left outside, all-consuming mud fights that make MOM insane, 11 year old hormones and the discovery of cute clothes, make up and BOYS, and a 6 year old that wants to create an art project even in her sleep.
(I'm actually considering putting a lock on my craft room door. Very tired of going into Haven's room to find bottles of leaking glue, .... sharp, scary scissors, .... reams of construction paper (cut up into small, creative shapes - everywhere), .... string and yarn stretched to all 4 corners of her bedroom, .... googgly eyes stuck and imbedded in her carpet, ..... small, colorful, EVIL beads that bite into my bare feet under the disguise of night, ..... do I really need to go on?

But anyway - innocence at MY house is gone. Yes, ..... gone for my sweet little London.

Remember my previous post about London losing 3 teeth during her science class?
Well, she came home and using her new phone, .... she googled the tooth fairy.
Nice, huh?
It seems on her phone, she also discovered a 'tooth fairy app.'
Yes, ..... it seems for a mere .99¢ - you can have your child CALL the tooth fairy.
This set London's mind whirling.

She then informed me that she no longer believed in the tooth fairy.
I lied of course, and told her there really was a tooth fairy.
She squinted up her eyes and cocked her head at me.
I knew I was going to REALLY have to spew some good ones to make her believe. And believe me, I tried. But I know a lost cause when I see one.
She also informed me that she no longer believes in the Easter Bunny.
Uh oh,..... here it comes.......

But the funny things is - London came to this realization the day AFTER the tooth fairy left her $9.00 for her 3 teeth.
Could she possibly have figured it out a day earlier and saved me $9.00?
No. That would be too easy.

And so the next night, Haven started screaming for me minutes after I've already tucked her in, read her a story, let her get BACK up to get a drink of water, and she's wandered into Geoff and my room 3 separate times.
When I went in, I discovered that she had finally pulled out her 'month-long' loose tooth. WOW! How ironic. As the tooth fairy is dying over in London's room, .... here is Haven's room - she is suddenly re-born.
Funny how things turn out, huh?

And getting Haven back into bed after she had lost her FIRST TOOTH?
Yeah right.
If I ever needed propanol, it was then.
With Haven yelling, "this is the BEST day of my life EVER!" from her room, I sneaked into London's room to borrow some cash.
Why is it that teeth always fall out at night? Just minutes before bedtime?
Of course, London thought THIS was 'way cool." She liked the thought of being involved in all the action, and LOVED the power of lending me money even more.
Especially since she was actually lending the "tooth fairy" money.

The next morning when Haven found $9.00 under her pillow, she could NOT keep from chanting over and over to London, "I got $9.00 for ONE tooth! You got $9.00 for 3 teeth!"
Hopefully, she DOES understand that this is a special occasion - because it is her FIRST tooth.

And when London got home from school the next day, she informed me that she no longer believed in Santa Claus.
Boy, that was quicker than I thought. Geoff and I thought she would maybe last until Christmas - but we did not expect for it to happen the very next day.
Apparently, she must have also found a Santa app.

I tried to convince her that the tooth fairy and the Easter Bunny were invented by greedy business owners who simply wanted to sell more things. I told her how Santa had SO many different names and how he was known by thousands of people for centuries!!
She said, "Mom,... it says online that there is NO Santa."
I came back with, "Oh yeah? ...... Well, it also says online that there is no God. Are you gonna believe that?"
Nice comeback mom.
And I really did have her believing again.
Then Geoff came home.

London attacked Geoff at the door and informed him about her doubts. Just like she did to me earlier - she asked him point blank if there really WAS a Santa Claus? (I am such a better liar than Geoff.)

He sat down on her bed and told her everything.
London then paraded into my room with a big smile and told me how 'sneaky' I am.
I informed her that she has NO idea just how sneaky I am. I explained how I was just trying to keep her believing - because that's the 'magic' of it all. She had no idea that once she stops believing, a part of her childhood would be dead. An innocence would be gone - and it would never ever be the same again.
London nodded and I think she understood.
But I know that I was more sad than London was. Flopping down on our bed, I told Geoff how sad I was. I couldn't believe that London no longer believed in Santa.

An hour later, London came slowly into our room. Passing Geoff's side of the bed, she crumbled into my arms. Tears were rolling down her face.
"Mom, ..... I can't believe there is no Santa Claus," she confessed, holding me tight.
I held her and told her that's why I didn't want her to know the truth. For a few minutes, we just held each other, while she sniffed in the darkness.
Trying to make things better, Geoff explained how she could now be a part of it all. She could now help to create the magic for Haven.
She thought about this for a second before pulling away from me. I thought she was leaving, but no, ....... this new thought had sent her mind whirling once again.
In the darkness, she suddenly had an idea. "Hey!.... now that I know, ...... can I be the one who pretends to be Santa during the night and takes bites out of the cookies?"

Don't worry. London will be all right. It seems that everything is back to normal ........

1 comment:

Cathy Brooksby said...

When our boys decided they no longer believed in Santa, we just informed them that Santa did not leave presents for those who do not believe. Really quickly, they went back to believing.