November 10, 2008

What I Would Do If I Were President (written by a 9 year old.)

My daughter London brought home a paper she had written in school. It's was called, "What I Would Do if I Were President." Very interesting perspectives coming from a 9 year old. (Please note that the following opinions do not necessarily reflect my beliefs.)

I know London listens and hears a lot of what I say,.... but she also has her own opinions - (refer to #11.) And admitting that she does overhear a lot of what I say,..... just keep in mind that I also say a lot. We talk about most everything within our family because I believe that my children should be aware of what is going on in the world. I do not believe in sugar-coating, and I feel impressed to allow my children to actually know of real life events and concerns. Why should I bubble-wrap them all up and then one day, simply watch them walk out my door and into a world that they have no concept of?

I don't understand people who call body parts, "hoo-ha's and danglies" just because they feel their kids are too young to know what they are really called. I believe the more knowledge you give a child, the more they are not likely to sneak around and try to learn these things on their own later. Adamantly tell a child they cannot "do this" and are banned from "doing this" - and I believe they are more likely to want to do it because of common curiosity or peer pressure. Talk with them about the why's and the reasons for not doing these things. Explain the consequences and how it will affect them or others around them later in life.

But like I said before,... at our house we talk about most things and even if it's not my opinion, we discuss it. Sooner or later, they will come in contact with someone who does believe these things - and if they're not prepared, they may possibly be influenced by these ideas. I normally like to lay it all out on the table for them and then let them come to their own opinions. But like most parents know, children tend to believe a lot (if not most) of what their parents believe in. Raise a child to eat jellybeans, syrup and kool-aid for breakfast, and they will come to believe that is what you should eat for breakfast.

It's scary knowing our children are blobs of clay in our hands, and we as parents (whether we mean to or not) mold them daily into the people they will someday become. So watch yourselves,.... because your children are definitely watching you! (Just thought this paper was cute and funny and it made me wonder what the other kids in her class wrote!)

London's Paper: "What I Would Do if I Were President."
(Please remember - these are London's thoughts...)

1. I would give toys to poor kids.
2. I would make all wild animals safe.
3. Kids at the day cares would be payed for.
4. The Mexican's could come into the USA and get jobs.
5. I would lower taxes.
6. Make people calm down the war.
7. People with cancer would get the best care.
8. If you are sick you would have it payed for.
9. The schools would get free equipment.
10. Any people who treat animals wrong would get arrested.
11. The fee for speeding near a kid zone would be $1,000.00

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