November 07, 2008

Alien Invasion

Having your roof redone while you are in the house is a bit like being invaded by aliens or imagining that the "Big Bad Wolf" is coming down your chimney.

From the past summer hail storms, there have been a few things "redone" around our house. Originally, the roof was overlooked, but when a different Insurance Rep. came out to "inspect" all the renovations,... "Voila!" Suddenly our roof was noticed. (Of course, when we brought it to their attention earlier - along with all the other damage,.... heads shook, casual hands dismissed our concerns....) But it seems a new roof was in the cards,... because today the roofers are here!

I have never been claustrophobic. As a child, I could always bend myself quite easily into tiny hiding places, even holding out for a long time until someone found me. Small, cramped, (even dark spaces) have never bothered me. But this morning, as I listen to the swarm of workers rapidly closing in on me from up above, I find myself strangely anxious.

It's kind of like the movie, "Signs" by M. Night Shyamalan. The first "sign," is the immediate scraping of the shingles coming off. If you close your eyes and just imagine,.... it really sounds like creatures scaling your roof,... their many legs clambering around creepily while searching for a way in.

The second "sign," is the deafening banging. It seems the creatures are now actually "kicking" portions of your roof in - or possibly "stoning" your house from their spaceships above. Of course, the loud shriek from my 4 year old only strengthens my flair for fantasy. As Haven comes barreling into my room,... her eyes are wide with terror. She was sleeping when the roofers arrived, and only now is wondering who and what is going on from the other side of her ceiling. (I guess I should have softly woken her and explained everything before she pictured "A Monster" noisily breaking into her room and coming in after her!)

My whimsical, alien daydream is so real now, that I half expect Mel Gibson to come crashing in through the back patio door, holding a shotgun in his hand. He's discovered "crop circles" outside in our tall, yellow Texas grass and he's sure it means something! To be perfectly honest, Mel Gibson coming in through my back patio door at any time, (shotgun or not) would be a rather titillating surprise!

"Why! Good morning Mel! Have you had your coffee yet? No, NO!..... No bother at all! Cream or sugar?") Okay, Lori - pull yourself together and focus! Let's get back to your story....

As the "spaceship stoning" slowly fades, you wonder what attempt the aliens will use at their invasion next? Your mind is leaping ahead,....

"Should I board up the windows with plywood? Maybe grab the cat, a flashlight, the frantic 4 year old, some snacks,... possibly my laptop and flee to the depths of my closet?" See? The noises are so real and visual to me that I'm actually caught up in this image of a real alien attack! But that's exactly what having your roof redone (while you are inside your house....) feels and sounds like.

'Ring! Ring!' Oh great! The phone! It's probably my mother down the road calling to warn me about the great swarm of spaceships hovering over my house!

"Haven! You stay right here in the closet! Don't come out - no matter what! Mama will be right back! Stay here and protect Mook!" (Mook is the poor cat we've dragged into the closet as well as into our insane imaginative whim.)

"Hello? Yes, I know! We are hiding! Well, I was hiding before you called me! Things are under control! I know,.... it should be all over soon! I don't know how soon,.... but they move really fast and they're already half done! I know amazing, huh? Okay,..... you be careful too. Goodbye!"

Retracing my steps, I can see Mook's eyes glowing yellow from the depths of my closet. Under the far reaches of my clothes rods, he is hunched down and is peeking out from under the protective hemlines of my dresses. Letting out a timid "M e o w," the sound seems somewhat mournful against the creepy sound of wire hangers clanging up against each other.

"Mama,.... It's too dark in here." Haven whimpers, half scooting into my lap. Her urgent little hands are pushing into my armpits, searching for a hiding place. Her breath is warm on my neck. "I'm scared," she admits, trying her best to climb back into my womb.

"I am too honey," I admit, prying her off my lap and feeling around for my flat laptop on the floor. "Here,...." I offer. As I open the lid to my computer, cold, blue light spills around us. "Maybe this will help," I whisper, pulling her close. As we lean over the computer screen, a small smile spreads across her face.

"Oh cool!" She breathes, relaxing a bit. "Let's watch a movie!" Concentrating on the familiar comfort of technology, she is instantly gratified.

"Okay," I agree, clicking on a desktop icon. I will do what I have to do. If I must put on a brave face for the reassurance of my child - than that is what I must do. Even without Mel Gibson, I know that Mook, Haven and I have what it takes to ride out this terrifying alien invasion together - and civilization will live on!

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