June 27, 2008

Just Breathe.....

Last weekend, I packed a picnic lunch. Just watching me, sent my girls into a fabulous frenzy! After gathering towels, hats, sunscreen, glasses and sand buckets, we were off! Today, we were going to the lake.
As my husband expertly skimmed the boat along the water,.... I closed my eyes and tilted my head back. Giving in, I allowed the wanton wind to run its sensual fingers through my hair, down my face, and tease and tickle my neck and shoulders. It felt so good to just let go of life and relax for a change.
Holding Haven on my lap, I rested my cheek against her hair and stared up at the clouds.
"Look!" I pointed. "That cloud looks like an ice cream cone!"
Haven smiled and pointed her little hand. "That one looks like a duck!"
We laughed,... we nibbled on rice crispy snacks,..... we smiled,..... we breathed.
Letting go of everything and just having fun, is not something our family does very often. Most of the time, we worry about bills, we worry about this, and we worry about that. It seems stress has become an added member of our family and is always in everyone's business.
My husband worries about financially keeping us afloat. I worry about the kids, my husband, and of course, I worry about money too. And I stress about my dreams and aspirations. Believing in yourself becomes very hard when you have a drawer full of rejection letters.
But last weekend, we left it all behind. We agreed beforehand to no talking work,... no talking business,.... no talking money,.... and no talking with a sharp tone! In fact, if we couldn't say anything nice, we all knew not to say anything. It was wonderful.
I had slipped a CD into the boat's glovebox before we left, knowing my husband would find it. When he did, he promptly inserted it into the CD player. As we sailed along on air and spray, "We've got the beat," by the Go-Go's, various songs by ABBA, and other well known favorites, were our only companions. These 'oldies but goodies' thumped their upbeat happiness into our heads as we rocked and sang along with them.
After awhile, we allowed the boat to drift close to shore. The girls and I got out to search for treasure. Like scampering hermit crabs, we scoured the shore for rock, shells and anything else we could find. All in all - if was a perfect day.
I was so glad we left stress all by himself at home. He definitely did not deserve to come along and spoil our fun! When you steal away for a day, I suggest inviting only those that will bring smiles, laughter and peace. The sun and the wind are always allowed to come. They bring a warmth and a freshness that is very much needed. Music is always allowed to come. She brings melodic harmony to a family that so often feels flat and out of tune with each other. Fun snacks are always allowed to come too. Nothing is better than the taste of sweet and sticky licked from your fingers.
Close your eyes,.... take a deep breath,...... hold it in for a moment,.... and then let it out. Do this a few times... and just breathe. Life will wait for one more day. Decide which day is yours and then take it! Hold on to what's important and then don't let go! Breathe in,.... breathe out,...... but just breathe......
Enjoy your day - because before you know it, you'll be back home, and stress will be standing there all angry with folded, stubborn arms,......wondering where you've been and why he wasn't invited.
Close your eyes,..... remember how it felt to be free on the water? Can you feel the wind's fingers still tangled in your hair? Turn the music up a bit.
"Can you hear the drums Fernando?"
Just take a deep breath - and breathe......

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